Get job offers in Europe through Europass and EURES

Get job offers in Europe through Europass and EURES

You may have heard about EURES or Europass before. In this article I will try to give you detailed information about these two portals. Through these portals you can find your next job in Europe and have the chance to move to Europe. Let’s take a closer look at EURES and Europass together.


First of all, I would like to talk about Europass. Europass is an initiative supported by the European Union and is a set of tools designed to help people articulate their skills, competences and experience in education, training, job search and work processes in Europe. Europass includes tools such as the CV, the language passport, the documentation of qualifications and competences, and these documents help employers and educational institutions in Europe to better understand applicants’ abilities.

You can create your CV on Europass. Europass documents are available in many European languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Czech, Slovakian, Hungarian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish, which are the office languages used in all European Union countries. Documents can be easily created in the user’s preferred language and edited as they wish.

To use Europass documents, you first need to create a Europass account. Once you have created an account, you can create your documents using the relevant Europass templates for your CV, qualifications, language passport and other documents. Once you have created your documents, you can save them digitally, share them or print them out and store them physically. Europass documents can be used to share with authorized persons such as employers, educational institutions or other relevant organizations.

You can use your documents on job search sites, social media platforms or when applying directly to employers. Your documents help you to clearly express your work and educational background, language competences and other skills and help you to expand your job search and training opportunities across Europe. Creating and using Europass documents is completely free.

Europass is an initiative funded by the European Commission and designed to help people articulate their skills, competences and experience in education, training and job search processes in Europe. It is free to create a Europass account and to create, store and share your documents digitally or physically. Creating a Europass account is easy and free. You can create a Europass account by following the steps below:

  1. Go to the Europass website (
  2. Click on the “Create an account” button in the top right corner of the home page.
  3. Enter your email address, first name, last name and password.
  4. Verify your account by clicking on the verification link sent to your email.
  5. Once you have verified your account, you can log in to your account and create your documents using Europass templates for your CV, qualifications, language passport and other documents.

Once you have created your Europass account, you can save, share or print and physically store your documents.


EURES (European Employment Services) is a labor mobility network supported by the European Union. EURES aims to facilitate labor mobility in the European economy by connecting employers and job seekers in Europe. EURES also helps businesses in Europe to connect with job seekers in different countries to meet their labor demand.

EURES’ main services include a job portal with job vacancies across Europe, advisory and information services for job seekers and employers, assistance with the recognition and equivalence of professional qualifications, information and support on legal and administrative issues related to labor mobility.

EURES is a free service for job seekers and employers in Europe and is designed to help facilitate labor mobility in Europe.

In which languages are job advertisements available at EURES?

EURES job advertisements are available in many European languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, Estonian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish.

EURES provides job seekers with easy access to job vacancies across Europe. It also offers free counseling and information services for job seekers. These services help job seekers to better understand the job market across Europe and make better decisions in their job search.

What are the requirements to apply for a job at EURES?

Here are the requirements to apply for a job at EURES:

  1. EURES account: To apply for a job at EURES, you must first create a EURES account. To create your account, go to the EURES website and fill out the registration form.
  2. Curriculum Vitae: Create a CV to facilitate your job search using the CV builder tool available on the EURES website. Include your education and work experience information, skills and references.
  3. Documents required to apply for job vacancies: Prepare the necessary documents for the job application, according to the requirements specified in the job advertisement. For example, it could be your CV, motivation letter, work experience documents or qualification documents.
  4. Language proficiency: You may be required to have sufficient language proficiency in the language used in the country where you are applying for a job. You may be required to have the language proficiency level specified in the job advertisement. Employers may require you to take a language test to test your language proficiency.
  5. Visa and work permit: You may need to obtain a visa and work permit to work in the country where you are applying for a job. There may also be other documents that your employer will need to provide you with.

EURES offers many services to help job seekers in their job search. These services can help you get the information and support you need during your job search.

What services can I benefit from during my job search at EURES?

EURES offers many services to job seekers during the job search process. These services help job seekers to get the information and support they may need during the job search process.

EURES offers a range of services that you can use during your job search:

  1. Access to job vacancies: Through EURES you can easily access and filter job vacancies across Europe. Access to job advertisements is free of charge.
  2. Counseling and information services: EURES offers free counseling and information services to job seekers. These services help jobseekers to learn about the labor market across Europe and make better decisions in their job search.
  3. Recognition of professional qualifications: EURES helps to recognize professional qualifications in Europe. This service helps you expand work opportunities across Europe and ensure that your professional qualifications are recognized across Europe.
  4. Job application services: EURES provides support to job seekers in applying for a job. It helps you to create the necessary documents and communicate with employers during the job application process.
  5. Job search support: EURES provides support to job seekers during the job search process. This service provides advice on job search strategies and increases your motivation during the job search process.

EURES offers many services to help job seekers in their job search across Europe. These services help job seekers to make the most of the opportunities on the job market.

How does the recognition of professional qualifications work in Europe?

The recognition of professional qualifications in Europe is guided by the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), a system developed under the leadership of the European Union (EU). The EQF provides a common language and reference framework for all vocational qualifications in Europe. The EQF ensures that vocational qualifications obtained in different countries in Europe are comparable and recognized across Europe.

The EQF has a structure of 8 levels and each level represents a specific level of qualification. EQF uses specific criteria to assess the level of qualifications. These criteria are based on the learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) of vocational qualifications.

EQF provides a set of tools for the recognition of professional qualifications. These tools facilitate the comparability and recognition of qualifications across Europe. EQF tools include the “Europass Qualifications Documents”, the “European Passport Language Competences”, the “European Qualifications Information System” (EViS) and the “European Qualifications Pathway” (a project supporting the use of the EQF in practice).

The EQF provides a common framework for the recognition of professional qualifications in Europe, which facilitates labor mobility across Europe. The EQF ensures that qualifications are comparable and transferable across Europe, which increases competition in the labor market and contributes to the career development of workers.

What should I pay attention to when applying for a job?

Here are some points to consider when applying for a job:

  1. Read the job advertisement you are applying for carefully: When reading the job advertisement, carefully read the qualifications and job description that the employer is looking for. Make sure that your application fits the advertisement and emphasize the qualifications listed in the advertisement in your application.
  2. Organize your CV: Organize your CV in accordance with the qualifications the employer has specified in the advertisement. Include your education and work experience, skills and references in a clear and concise manner. Make sure your CV is easy to read, clear and concise.
  3. Customize your motivation letter: Write a motivational letter addressed to the employer and explain why you are applying, what qualifications you have and why you want to do this job. Avoid repeating information from your CV and customize your letter.
  4. Prepare your references: Employers may ask for references of job applicants. Prepare your references in advance and get their permission.
  5. Demonstrate your language proficiency: Demonstrate that you have the language proficiency level specified in the job advertisement you are applying for. To demonstrate your language proficiency, include your certificates or results from language exams in your application.
  6. Submit your application on time: Complete and submit your application by the deadline specified in the job advertisement. Do not leave your application for the last day.
  7. Follow up: Follow up your application and wait for the employer to get back to you. If the employer does not get back to you, you can send an email after a few days to inquire about the status of your application.

When applying for a job, take care to prepare an application that expresses yourself in the best possible way, taking into account the qualifications and requirements specified in the employer’s advertisement.

In this article I wanted to give you as much information about these two portals as I know and in the most accurate way, I hope it was a useful article.